Today a penfriend which i lost during my move from Austria to Germany asked my why i didn't continue writing? She wrote that she thought my husband prohibited writing penfriends!! I was starring into my laptop with an open mouth and was shocked about that idea. But after one minute i remembered that in some countries of that world woman are not living free and my life is not for everybody usual.
I could never imagine that somebody will tell me what i have to do and what i don't have to do, how i have to live my life and how not. Of course my parents did that as long as i was living in their house but when i moved to Vienna for studying and working and having my own flat and my own money i was an independent young girl. My parent's education was always like that i could live an independent life on my own and that i will know how to solve problems.
Nowadays they are giving me advices when i am asking something but always with the addition that i am old enough to know what i am doing!
Yes it's true, i am doing what i want, i travel where and when i want, i am buying and shopping what i want ...
And beside this I am married! But my husband would not even have the idea telling me what i have to do or not or forbids me things to do!! I think that would be the end of our marriage!
For me beeing independent in my life and my decisions is everything!!
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