Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011

Karl Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg

Karl Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg, that's the full name of the german Minister of Defence. He is a member of the prominent german noble House of Guttenberg and people like him very much because of his youth, the youth of his family and because of his honesty.
And now this! He had to surrender his title "Doktor" because some people are thinking that his dissertation is plagiarism! The population likes him still and the Parliament wants him to lay down his office!

Do you think that a politican has to lay down his office because something should or could be wrong with his university dissertation?? Or is his excellent work as Minister of Defence much more important?
Is that possible in your country??

Freitag, 11. Februar 2011

My international family

The question is if we are international just because we are living in many different countries but in general we are just europeans and arabs?
I am native Austrian, my family always lived in Austria or in parts of the former Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy. My late grandfather was born in Romania, but he was not Romanian - he is a so called Banate Swabian who are living in Romania - after the events of 1989 most of them are now living in Germany. I never knew my family in Romania but I am very curious about my family history and tried to find out some things, but that is not easy as i am not speaking romanian.
Then I have some relatives in Switzerland and because of my husband I have a lot of family in a lot of countries!
My husband is an arab from Morocco - he has 8 sisters and 2 brothers!! Therefore most of them are living in Morocco, but a cousin is living in Stockholm, Sweden, a brother with his family is living in Bordeaux, France, and the other brother is living with his family in Calgary, Canada. My husband has as well a german aunt. She is native german but married his late uncle and was very happy with him. She visits Morocco every year 2 times.
Oh believe me keeping in contact with all of them is not that easy because in some ways it is a real language challenge - some are speaking just arabic, some just french, less are speaking english and just the german aunt german and my husband of course ...
So we are a big family of european-arabic decent talking in german, english, french and arabic to each other :) That's bafflegab :)))