The question is if we are international just because we are living in many different countries but in general we are just europeans and arabs?
I am native Austrian, my family always lived in Austria or in parts of the former Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy. My late grandfather was born in Romania, but he was not Romanian - he is a so called Banate Swabian who are living in Romania - after the events of 1989 most of them are now living in Germany. I never knew my family in Romania but I am very curious about my family history and tried to find out some things, but that is not easy as i am not speaking romanian.
Then I have some relatives in Switzerland and because of my husband I have a lot of family in a lot of countries!
My husband is an arab from Morocco - he has 8 sisters and 2 brothers!! Therefore most of them are living in Morocco, but a cousin is living in Stockholm, Sweden, a brother with his family is living in Bordeaux, France, and the other brother is living with his family in Calgary, Canada. My husband has as well a german aunt. She is native german but married his late uncle and was very happy with him. She visits Morocco every year 2 times.
Oh believe me keeping in contact with all of them is not that easy because in some ways it is a real language challenge - some are speaking just arabic, some just french, less are speaking english and just the german aunt german and my husband of course ...
So we are a big family of european-arabic decent talking in german, english, french and arabic to each other :) That's bafflegab :)))
Hallo :)
AntwortenLöschenIt's Henderica here(from letternet.de), I got your letter yesterday will reply this weekend
love your writing style.keep it up.
AntwortenLöschen-nadee from srilanka
please remove the word verification.